
Sunday, February 17, 2019

Nature and Logic Essay -- essays research papers

Philosophy 103 presentment to logical systemThe Nature of system of logic Abstract Some of the uses of logic argon illustrated, and deductive arguments are briefly distinguished from inductive arguments. I. Logic is the stipulate of the methods and principles used in distinguishing even from incorrect reasoning. B. Logic differs from psychology in being a normative or a prescriptive discipline rather than a descriptive discipline. 1. I.e., it prescribes how one ought to reason its not pertain with how one actually does reason. 2. Logic is concerned with laying down the rules for correct reasoning. 3. Consequently, logic seeks to distinguish good arguments from poor ones. II. How Logic helps reasoning A. " formula makes better." Some examples of how this course can help reasoning about the cheatledge domain are as follows. 1. make out this syllogism All followers of Senator Jones are in favor of high taxes.All communists are in favor of higher taxes.All followers of Senator Jones are communists. It will become easy for us to recognize the fallacy in this argument as the fallacy of the undiversified middle term. 2. Consider this informal argument In spite of the astronomical number of UFO spottings that can be attributed to weather conditions and known aircraft and otherwise factors, there are hundreds of sightings that cannot be accounted for. Hence, we can safely conclude that UFOs exit. Consider this counter-example In spite of the large number of quarters put nether kids pillows which can be attributed to sneaky parents, brothers, sisters, and so forth, there are hundreds of cases which cannot be accounted for. Therefore, the tooth fairy exits. B. As well, this course can help with "the negative salute"that we avoid errors by being aware of them, e.g., being aware of vernacular formal and informal fallacies. 1. Consider the passage, "Napoleon became a great emperor be contract he was so concise." In this short argumen t, the fallacy of false cause (or non causa pro causa) occurs. If this argument were good, all or most short persons would become great emperors. 2. Consider the passage, "People in developing countries come out old as an earlier age, because the average life expectancy is so short in those countries." Due to infant mortality, people do not get older more quickly the fallacy of division occurs. C. Methods, criteria, and t... ...t tin I did not believe I had touched that man. The law of probabilities appointive me guiltless of his blood, for in all my small experience with guns I had never hit anything I had tried to hit and I knew I had do my best to hit him." 3. Or consider extrapolation techniques used in tenor market prediction, e.g., the wedge formation. V. What logic is not A. Logic is not the wisdom of the laws of thought--in which case it would be a descriptive science like psychology. 1. some durations people can come to conclusions reliably without being able to know or explain how the conclusion was reached. E.g., the so-called intuitive type of personality. 2. frequently people can come to the right conclusion for the wrong reasons. Logic is the study of the modes of correct reasoning as shown in an interpersonal manner. B. Logic is not really the science of reasoning either because the logician is not interested in the psychological processes of reasoning. 1. The logician is interested in the twist of arguments. 2. People infer statements and statements entail other statements. 3. We want to say that the discount is there even though someone does not at this time understand it.

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