
Monday, June 3, 2019

One Of The Latest Buzzwords Tourism Essay

One Of The Latest Buzzwords Tourism EssayOne of the in vogue(p) buzzwords that turn out come into general usage in the world of touristry is that of coordinated Resorts. Over the last deuce decades, a number of large tourer integrate reanimates have been developed around the world, many of which have become spiritedly popular holiday destinations. The growth in tourism generated by these integrate asylums has brought significant sparing and social benefits to their respective countries, including increased foreign stand in earnings, direct and indirect employment. In addition, the reanimates development has stimulated local and regional development, promote advanced local industries and international trade. The success of these integrated resorts can be largely attributed to the encounterion of an integrated approach to their development, c artirl planning and implementation that took into consideration regional environmental, frugal and socio-cultural factors. This kind of approach helps minimise environmental, socio-economic and marketing problems often associated with uncontrollight-emitting diode tourism development.The development of integrated resorts has gr proclaim rapidly over the last two decades also as a reaction to the proliferation of unplanned beach resorts. On the supply side, many administrations have increasingly turned to integrated resort developments in an attempt to improve the head-being of the local population by generating iobs and increasing income, and private investors have seen integrated resorts as a way to maximise their profits, plot of land on the demand side, statistics be non available on the relative proportion of tourist demand for integrated resorts.In the context of globalisation and outfit international tourist markets, it is ac beledged that integrated resorts offer great opportunities to visitors for empty, recreation and sports, but collect to the difficulty in assessing the upholds that may result from the construction of an integrated resort, as plans for integrated resorts are developed by consultancy iiirms and private investors that rarely publish or divulge their secrets before resort operation, most research has been conducted altogether after the construction of integrated resorts.The notion of integrated resorts came into plrominence in Mauritius after the successful approval ofthe environmental pretend assessment report and construction of Tamarina Golf, health club and Beach Club that is the first integrated resort in Mauritius.1.1 Tourism Industrv in MauritiusMauritius has considerable graphic advantages as a holiday destination such(prenominal) as beautiful coral beaches, warm clear lagoons, colouriixl reefs, picturesque mountains, a subtropical climate, a southern hemisphere location, an atmosphere that is exotically different, yet safe and stable, and nation who are friendly and welcoming. These Advantages have been exploited with attractive well r un hotels with good amenities, direct and reliable air services, efficient supporting infrastructure and impressive marketing as an up-market quality destination. It is therefore unmanageablely surprising that tourist arrivals have been rising by more than 8 percent a course of instruction and the tourism application has become one of the most dynamic spheres of the economy, accounting for 19 per cent of gross export earnings and providing employment directly and indirectly for about 50,000 people.However, there are problems. Average spending per visitor has not been going up as fast as hoped, and there have been round signs of adverse reactions at tourist numbers and behaviour. Infrastructure constraints have developed in the form of congestion at peak times at the airdrome and inadequate efiluent treatment leading to deterioration in water quality in some of the lagoons_ In the longer term, there ordain be more general environmental constraints, in the form of limits to t he capacity for absorbing ever increasing numbers of visitors in a small densely populated sylvan with a finite length of beaches and a sensitive coastal ecology. It will be necessary in fixture to place a ceiling on the number of tourists in order to protect the environment and, indeed, the fixture of the tourism sedulousness itself Mauritius has been very successful in attracting foreign direct enthronisation (FDI) in the 197Os. However there has been a decline in the growth of FDI since the mid-19S0s, particularly in the manufacturing sector. However, FDI growth has started to pick up again since 2005, led by the tourism sector, particularly the incorporate Resort Scheme as illustrated below.Foreign Direct Investment by Sector, 2003-20072003 2004 2005 2006 2007(USD million)Export Processing Zone 2.7 8.7 3.6 2.8 2.2Tourism 3.4 4.2 18.2 83.0 144.0Banking 46.0 10.9 15.4 111.0 70.0Telecommunications 0 1.3 5 _ 9 1 .4 0. 5Other 16.8 37.8 52.0 30.7 64.3Total 68.9 62.9 95.1 228.9 281 .0As illustrated above, tourism has proved to be a credible option source of foreign up-to-dateness earnings. However the country will not be able to cope with a policy of mass tourism which is unsustainable. Also the characteristic of the country, which is a low-down Island Developing States (SIDS) facing special disadvantages associated with small size, insularity, remoteness and proneness to natural disasters, limits the prospect of tourism development.Hence since the economy of the country is highly vulnerable and the totnism industry having reached its carrying capacity, therefore sustainable tourism development is very instrumental. Mauritius has therefore resorted to the rejuvenation of its tourism life cycle, as this is nearing or has reached the stagnation stage, through the development of an alternative luxurious product agnizen as Integrated Resort, as illustrated below.This good mix of tourism and real estate development has been high on governmentsagenda and has led to governments intervention in the tourism sector with the twin accusing of tourism rejuvenation and FDI increase.1.2 Aims of studyThe development of the tourism industry in Mauritius has been considered as an alpha economic diversification tool for the nation. Realizing the importance of the tourism industry in the economic development of Mauritius, government has initiated the Integrated Resort Scheme. Therefore the aim of this diction is primarily to conduct an investigation see to iting development and impacts of integrated resort in Mauritius.1.3 Objectives of studyThis study purports to investigate the anticipated and current socio-economic and environmental impacts of integrated resorts in the Mauritian context. In particular, this study will aim to procure the pursuit objectivesTo investigate the context of integrated resort development and its aims and objectives in the development of Mauritius tourism.To know the criticisms about the initiation of integrated resort in Mauritius.To determine the positive impact of integrated resort in terms of society, economy and environment of Mauritius.To know the negative impact of integrated resorts in terms of society, economy and environment of Mauritius.To recommend guidelines for sustainable integrated resort development and minimizing negative impacts of integrated resort development.This good mix of tourism and real estate development has been high on governmentsagenda and has led to governments intervention in the tourism sector with the twin objective of tourism rejuvenation and FDI increase.1.2 Aims of studyThe development of the tourism industry in Mauritius has been considered as an chief(prenominal) economic diversification tool for the nation. Realizing the importance of the tourism industry in the economic development of Mauritius, government has initiated the Integrated Resort Scheme. Therefore the aim of this dissertation is primarily to conduct an investigation regarding development and impacts of integrated resort in Mauritius.1.3 Objectives of studyThis study purports to investigate the anticipated and current socio-economic and environmental impacts of integrated resorts in the Mauritian context. In particular, this study will aim to achieve the following objectives0 To investigate the context of integrated resort development and its aims and objectives in the development of Mauritius tourism.0 To know the criticisms about the initiation of integrated resort in Mauritius.0 To determine the positive impact of integrated resort in terms of society, economy and environment of Mauritius.0 To know the negative impact of integrated resorts in terms of society, economy and environment of Mauritius.0 To recommend guidelines for sustainable integrated resort development and minimising negative impacts of integrated resort development.Chapter 2REVIEW OF LITERATURE2.1 Tourism ImpactMauritius has built its successful up market tourism sector on a fragile and vulnerable natu ral resource. The growth of the tourist industry in an unplanned manner has led to the following negative impacts High volume tourism has made an enormous impact on parts of the coast. There are plenty of modellings of virtually every imaginable type of tourism impact on the environment, including the destruction of coastal wetlands and other sensitive environments, organic pollution and coastal erosion for example. Flic en Flac.0 There are problems associated with monitonng and auditing due to institutional weaknesses. Most casual tourists bring their own equipment and are relatively self-contained, thus bringing in minimal cash into the country while making a large impact on the enviromnent for example tourists from Reunion and other islands of the Indian Ocean. y2.2 Tourism surroundal ImpactsThe natural environment is low increasing threat hom unmanaged human activities, and in assessing the impacts of tourism, it is essential to adopt a holistic view that recognises both the direct and indirect consequences of tourism activities and their intrinsic link with other sectors (Glenn Kreag 2001). Growth in the tourism sector may generate new impacts on the coastal zone but also raise the intensity of existing impacts by placing additional burdens on resources that are already overextended. For this is a feature of human settlement and not just of tomism. However, where this is exacerbated by a significant increase in the number of visitors and people employed deep down the industry, the tourism sector must take responsibility for providing solutions to the causes of environmental degradation. The major environmental impacts identified and theiR direct consequences on tourism development as well as impacts associated with activities that support the tourism sector are highlighted as* Water Resources and River Ecosystem* Estuaries and Wetlands* Soil wearing and Sedimentation* Waste Disposal and Pollution* Coastal Erosion* Marine Resources* Recreational pro cessivities2.3 Tourism Economic ImpactIn the developing world, economic impacts frequently outweigh other considerations when it comes to tourism development. The need for foreign exchange and the ease by which the industry can be developed relative to other sectors, makes tourism development a national priority (Glenn Kreag 2001), It is therefore important to have a clear understanding of the tourism industrys economic impacts, particularly because not all of them are positive. These impacts are the primary impacts, employment opportunities, impacts on the elbow grease force, inflation and the availability of essential resources and over-reliance on tourism.2.4 Classification of ImpactThere are several ways of looking at economic impacts. The following classification of impacts reflects the multi-sectoral nature oftourismPrimary Impacts arise from the inflow of foreign cash as a result of visitor expenditure. They are fairly well recorded by banks and businesses such as airlines, hotels and restaurants. They are relatively easy to measure.Secondary Impacts arise when the currency inflows penetrate to other sectors. This happens when the tourism industry passes some of its business on to other businesses, for instance, when an airline company contracts to provide on-board meals. Wages earned by people involved in sport services also fall into this category.third effects arise when currency flows are not the result of tourist expenditure, but when the practise of tourism led to other opportunities. For instance, a filmmaker on holiday in Mauritius may decide to use that country as the venue for his or her next film. Or a tourist may be so enchanted with the sandy beaches and blue lagoons of Mauritius that he or she buys a bungalow.From the above, it can be seen that the total economic impact of tourism is very impenetrable to calculate indeed, but it would be wise to commission a thorough analysis of the tourism industry results. For instance, the high perce ntage of foreign workers in the tourism industry results in wages ending up going to their home countries which reduces the net benefit to the host Country.2.5 Tourism Social and Cultural ImpactsThe socio-cultural impacts of tourism are basically the consequences of either the development of the tourism industry or the presence of the tourists (and the characteristics of the tourist-host relationship) (Sharpley 1994). The table below contains a comprehensive list of these impacts, following the classification equal from Pizam Milman (1984), and Burdge (1994). The social and cultural impacts of tourism can be vast, and unfortunately many of them are negative. They include0 An intrusion of western culture into the host population. The tilt is often for local people to try to emulate westem consumerism. In new destinations, local populations are often not aware that many tourists work hard most of the year and then take time off for leisure. Instead, the tourists appear to have a li festyle that is only enviable and the temptation to mimic them in terms of- dress or personal assets such as watches, sunglasses, etc, is great.0 Value systems may be eroded, particularly in poor areas where tourists can be seen as an opportunity to make a fast buck. This may lead to theft prostitution, and sometimes violent crimes.Local customs are often not respected by tourists who may be unaware or insensitive to them. It is critically important that the government and other eccentric players make tourists aware of such issuesValuable cultural artefacts are olten bought by tourists, and shipwrecks are regularly plundered.The table below show some of the main impact of tourism on a countryIDIPACTS IDF TOUllISlIPositive NegativeImpacts on populationPopulation increase(immigration, no emigration)Immigration of seasonal workforce(positive in case of lack of labor negative in case of unemployment)Presence of second home owners(positive if involved in community life negative if no t involved)Changes in population statistical distribution (by age, sex, race, ethnicity)Urbanisation of populationChanges in labour marketNew jobs Seasonal jobsNew types of jobs in tourism Unskilled jobs improverd value of knowledge, language escape of labour in traditional sectorsskillsEconomic diversification extendd economic inequalityStimulation of underdeveloped regions IChanges in community structure, characteristicsIncome from tourism Increase in the number of temporaryresidents(not very committed)Growing importance of service sector i Conflicts with second home ownersStimulation of social, cultural life Difficulties in acquiring real estateIncrease in the value of land Increase in real estate prices sDevelopment of infrastructure Increase in prices, intlationWider opportunity for obtain Loss tiwImprovement in the destination image Transformation of value systemsIncrease in residents pride in their spectral conflictssettlement l (with second home owners, with tourists)De crease of prejudices, disappearance of Overdependence on tourismstereotypes, increase in toleranceCongestionTraiiic problemsTransformation of social stratification(owners of totuist resources rise, owners of traditional resources fell)Impacts on individual and family levelIncrease in social mobility i Disruption of social networksp (especially among the young and women)i Improvement in leisure opportunities Changes in the rhythm of life_ Meeting new people, wider social Loss of importance of liiendshipImprovement in the quality of life Increase in perception of danger(due to increased criminality)Language skills XenophobiaIncome hom totuism Commercialised hospitalityImprovement in attitudes toward work, Deviant behaviours (alcoholism,politeness, manners prostitution,I gambling, drug abuse vandalism)Local language suppressedIncreased sexual permissivenessTransformation of family structureTransformation of consumer habitsChanges in housing conditionsTransformation of behaviour (demo nstration effect)Impacts on cultural and natural resources safeguard of rare resoufces of Disappearance of local habits, traditionsoutstanding beauty Revival of local arts, crafts, cultLual Commercialisatknl of cultureevents Revival of local architectural traditions Littering, pollution2.6 Conception and Development of Integrated Resort in MauritiusMauritius has during recent years been facing serious economic problems owing to the need to comply with free trade agreements and globalisation. This has severely affected net income and textile exports, two major pillars of the natio al economy, and consequently our balance of payment. Despite serious economic problems, Mauritius has succeeded in realising a remarkable economic transformation due to a diversified economy resting on other pillars like financial and business services sector and that of tourism, hospitality and property development. Hence the development of the Integrated Resort Scheme can be seen as an economic strategy. As a national strategy the Mauritian government has come along with the fundament of the IRS under the Investment Promotion Act 2000 through the Investment Promotion (Integrated Resort Scheme) Regulations 2002 in order to boost up foreign direct investment which is a necessary component in the fight to compensate for the decrease in sugar and textile income inflow. This has been a strategic attempt with the twofold objective, foremost to attract more foreign direct investment and secondly to strike a more favourable balance of payment. Hence recently Hospitality and property Development have emerged, attracting substantial investment fiom both local and foreign investors under Investment Promotion Regulations 2007 which promotes the Real Estate Development Scheme comprising of IRS and reticuloendothelial system (Real Estate Scheme) projects which are expected to be implemented in the next hardly a(prenominal) years. The objective of the Integrated Resort Scheme (IRS) is to attra ct mainly high net-worth non-citizens into Mauritius by allowing them to acquire prodigality villas of international standing and at the same time providing high-class amenities and facilities including golf course, marina, individual swimming pool, catering, nautical and other sport facilities and health centre within the boundaries of the integrated resort area. The acquisition of a villa for residential purposes by a foreigner under the Scheme will allow the foreigner his family to reside in Mauritius as long as he holds the property.Whilst the Investment Promotion Act 2000 expresses governments political will to expand the economic sector by creating the Board of Investment, the Business Facilitation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2006 enhances business opportunitiestowards IRS projects. The Investment Promotion Act 2000 and Investment Promotion Regulations 2007 provide the legal framework for guidelines with regard to the implementation of these projects.The Finance Act 2007 introduced amendme ts to the following Acts of Parliament in order to regulate the promotion, implementation and marketing of IRS projects in Mauritius0 Investment Promotion Act0 Land (Duties and Taxes) Act0 Morcellement Act0 Non-Citizens (Property Restriction) Act0 Registration Duty Act Sugar Industry Efiiciency Act 20010 Environment Protection Act 2002Here under is a list of IRS projects currently being implementedSolares at Flic en Flac, Villas Valriche, Les Villas Telfair, Les Salines, La Balise Marina, Domaine de lHarmonie, Barachois villas and River Club. A few other projects have received their letter of approval recently and upon compliance to conditions laid down they will receive their IRS certificates. In some other cases the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) report, which analyses the environmental, biophysical and social impact of a proposed development, is being scrutinised in order to ensure that the proposed development is sustainable.The Integrated Resort Scheme p rovides for the development of luxury residential units of international standing on freehold land of more than 10 hectares to be sold at a price exceeding USD 500,000 high-class leisure and commercial amenities and facilities intended to enhance the residential units. These may include but not limited to, golf course, marina, nautical and other sport facilities, shopping mall, restaurant and wellness centre.0 day-to-day steering services such as security, maintenance, gardening, solid waste disposal and household services have to be provided to the residents.0 for a social contribution in terms of social amenities, community development and other facilities for the benefit of the neighbouring community where the IRS project is implemyed/However the following conditions concerning the eligibility for the acquisition of residential property from an IRS Company have to be complied with(a) a non-citizen of Mauritius(b) a citizen of Mauritius(c) a company registered as a foreign compan y under the Companies Act 2001(d) a company incorporated under the Companies Act 2001(e) a Socit, where its deed of formation is deposited with the Registrar of Companies(l) a trust, where the trusteeship services are provided by a qualified trustee licensed by the Financial Services CommissionIt is instrumental to examine the importance and justification of the IRS in Mauritius liom a scientific point of view. Integrated resorts initiatives and development can be primarily viewed from the macro-economic perspective of foreign capital inflow (FDI) where as on the other authorize they can be explained from the perspective of the market failure concept which has necessitated the rejuvenation process of the resort cycle in Mauritius.The strong linkages of tourism and IRS with other economic sectors should be the key in realising that tourism and new products are a powerful factor for economic growth and employment. This can clearly be seen by the nature of tourism and permanent reside nce needs, that is to say, as an industry it calls for goods and services such as transportation, food, fuel, water and electricity, crafts, tour services, entertainment, communication, etc. These linkages have always had a positive economic impact in Mauritius. Of coLuse tourism and HKS development not only benefit the private sectorbut contribute significantly to government revenues in the form of sales, business, corporate, personal, departure and of course, import levies.2.7 The Rationale for Government Intervention in Mauritius Tourism SectorContinuing globalization of competition has given impediment to the market-oriented view entertained by the Mauritian government which justifies its intervention in the tourism sector by creating the integrated resort scheme to favour our export oriented strategy. It is believed that markets should be given primacy in the production and distribution of goods and services while government should provide the proper institutional infrastructur e for markets to function properly. In cases of ket failure government should intervene to correct any imperfection and intervention is also justified because the more important the sector is to the economy, the greater intervention should be in order to ensure socially compatible objectives that foster sustainable development.The public sector can exercise varying degree of influence over the direction of tourism development by acting on both the demand side and supply side (Akehurst et al, 1994). In Mauritius the demand management policies and the management of its supply side must be seen to go in pair with governments macro-stabilization policy in an attempt to reach a state of equilibrium. Micro policies have to be endorsed to make markets function better. Govemmenfs political structure and the functioning of rivate institutions have to go in pair as well, Barriers and rigidities should be removed so that new projects like integrated resort development could function moreeffici ently. Without appropriate macro-economic policies market-oriented projects in the tourism sector will have to struggle for survival. Thus the role of government in ensuring a better economic climate is of vital importance to improve returns in the lCOl1IlSII1 SCfOThe Mauritian government had interpreted actions to correct market failure in the economic and tourism sector by rntroducrng the integrated resort development that is the integrated resort scheme commercialise failure arises from a situation where the riee market does not guarantee environmental protection and community involvement rn development process Since the tourism sector rn Mauritius rs not an integrated

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